Paul N. Somerville (University of Central Florida, USA),

Frank Bretz (Hannover University, Germany)

Obtaining Critical Values for Simultaneous Confidence Intervals andMultiple Testing

Fortran 90 and SAS-IML programs are presented which enable a user to obtain, on demand, critical values for 15 different multiple contrast procedures, some of which are as yet unpublished. In addition, critical values can be calculated for procedures corresponding to any specified set of contrasts. The estimates of population may be correlated, provided the estimated variance covariance of the means is included in the input. The programs are not limited to the randomized on-way layout but are applicable to procedures for which the estimates are obtained by multiple regression, and include incomplete block designs and missing value cases. Accuracies of approximately 3 decimal places may be obtained in 2 or 3 seconds using any Pentium Processor.